Caravan & Camping Information
Council maintains campgrounds in some parks and dam reserves across the region. For private or commercial campgrounds in our region, visit Southern Downs & Granite Belt Tourism - Caravan/Camping & Holiday Parks.
Camping in Council Parks
Camping is permitted for set time periods in:
- Dalrymple Creek Park, Allora Drive, Allora - 24 hours
- Leyburn Sports Grounds, Tummaville Road, Leyburn - 72 hours
- Jim Mitchell Park, McCosker Drive, Dalveen - 24 hours
Camping, sleeping, occupying or remaining overnight at a local government controlled caravan park is only permitted if the person undertakes the activity for a period not longer than as authorised by the notice displayed. Council has signs in these parks outlining the period for which camping is permitted.
Camping at Southern Downs Dam Reserves
Camping is permitted at Leslie Dam in Council's Washpool Reserve Camping Area.
Camping is permitted at Connolly Dam in the Connolly Dam Camping Ground.
There are no camping facilities, and camping is not permitted at the Storm King Dam Recreational facility. Camping is available at the caravan park near by Storm King Dam.
Caravan/RV Water Filling Stations
Please refer to the Supply of Bulk Water page of this website.
Caravan/RV Wastewater Discharge Points
Southern Downs Regional Council services four Caravan/RV Wastewater Discharge Points across the region. The Caravan/RV Wastewater Discharge Points are accessed by lifting the lid of the Discharge Point and lowering your wastewater discharge hose into the receival point.
Only the 3 Ps should be discharged into the dump point – Pee, Poo and (toilet) Paper. To mitigate the risk of potentially causing a blockage, the following items are not to be discharged: Wet wipes, rags, rubbish children’s toys, tennis balls, nappies, clothing, sanitary pads/tampons, cooking waste, sand, and other wastes not suitable for flushing into the sewer system.

Wastewater Discharge Point Locations
- Warwick - located at Morgan Park
- Allora - located at Apex Park
- Leyburn - located at the Sports Ground
- Dalveen - located at Jim Mitchell Park
- Stanthorpe - located at Apex Park Reserve
Illegal Camping
Under Council’s Local Law No 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 (PDF 84.7KB) and Subordinate Local Law No 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 (PDF 158.1KB) the following restrictions apply to camping in local government areas:
- Local government controlled areas within the local government area (unless the area is a park or reserve): Camping, sleeping, occupying or remaining overnight is a prohibited activity. Note: A local government controlled area means land, facilities and other infrastructure owned, held in trust or otherwise controlled by the local government, other than a road.
- Roads within the local government area: Camping, sleeping, occupying or remaining overnight in a vehicle stopped on a footpath, shared path, water-channel or gutter is a prohibited activity.
- Parks and reserves within the local government controlled area: Sleeping, occupying or remaining overnight is a restricted activity, and is permitted only with the written authorisation of the chief executive officer of the local government.
It is a requirement for Council to take reasonable steps to provide notice to members of the public regarding restricted activities declared for local government controlled areas. Council erects signs in parks and reserves advising members of the public that camping in those parks and reserves is a restricted activity.