Southern Down Regional Council Library, Warwick Queensland


Dive into adventures with free eAudiobooks, eMagazines and other resources

eLibrary provided by Southern Downs Libraries

BorrowBox compact


BorrowBox is an easy to use platform that allows you to select and download eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Newspapers to your computer or any mobile device.

Install the BorrowBox app on your device. Go to the App Store for IOS, Google Play Store for Android or for the Amazon Kindle Fire app

Select Southern Downs Regional Libraries

Activate with your library membership, library card number, PIN and email

Borrow free eBooks and eAudiobooks

4 eBook loans for a 20 day period and 4 eAudiobook loans for a 20 day period

Click here for BorrowBox



Hoopla is an all-in-one digital service. It provides library members with access to thousands of music albums, films, tv series, ebooks, audiobooks, and comics. Hoopla titles can be streamed or downloaded to be enjoyed later, via desktop or mobile devices.

To access content, download the free Hoopla digital mobile app on your Android or iOS device or follow the link here.

Select Southern Downs Regional Council from the Find Your Library section.

Activate with your library membership, library card number, PIN and email

Borrow free eBooks, eAudiobooks, Comics, Movies, TV series and Music

10 items per month may be accessed.

Hoopla is a database and individual titles are not listed in the library catalogue.

Click here for Hoopla

Libby app


Libby by Overdrive.

Library members with a Southern Downs library card can select and download eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines to your computer or any mobile device.

Install the Libby app on your device. Go to the App Store for IOS, Google Play Store for Android

Select Southern Downs Regional Council

Activate with your library membership, library card number, PIN and email

Borrow free eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines

3 eBook and eAudiobook loans for a 14 day loan

Unlimited magazines for a 21 day loan

Click here for Libby


Story Box Library

Story Box Library is rich with Australian content, designed to entertain your children with all the drama, laughter and inspiration a good book can bring.

Listen to a diverse range of storytellers from everyday people to the authors and actors

Create your own reading playlist

To access Story Box Library, follow the link and in the drop-down library menu select Southern Downs Regional Libraries

Alternatively install the Story Box Library app on your device. Go to the App Store for IOS, or Google Play Store for Android, then select Library Login, then Southern Downs Regional Libraries

Click here for Story Box Library

Transparent language online


Transparent Language Online offers over 100 languages to learn online.

Customise your learning path, focus on a specific skill, with the ability to set a goal and track your progress.

Sign up with your Library card number, add a username, your email address and password to create an account.

Full feature mobile apps for tablets and iOS and Android phones are available.

Included in Transparent Language Online is KidSpeak, an easy-to-use language-learning program for young learners. Available languages are Chinese, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Click here for Transparent Languages Online

uLibrary from ulverscroft


uLibrary allows users to take that book you keep hearing about with you wherever you go.

With a great selection of bestselling authors that include Lee Child, Ann Cleeves and James Patterson you can download and listen to professionally recorded audiobooks, brought to life by some of the world's best performers.

Download the uLIBRARY app and Login by selecting Southern Downs Regional Libraries from the dropdown menu and entering your library card number and PIN.

4 loans/reservations for a14 day loan

Click here for uLIBRARY

Access provided by the State Library of QLD


Ames Australia

Ames Australia is an on demand series of English language courses focusing on living, studying, and working in Australia for students and new migrants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

There are 2 types of course options. World Wide English, general English courses from beginner to intermediate with a work, life and study focus. And Living in Australia, general English online course for students beginning to learn English.

No username or password is required.

Click here to access Ames

Ancestry library


Discover your family history and start your family tree. Access over 7 billion genealogy records including,

* births, deaths and marriages, census records, military records, convict records, Australian electoral rolls, immigration records, passenger lists.

This site can only be accessed while using the public computers in your local library and you must be a library member.


QLD CloudLibrary Language collection

Queensland cloudLibrary Language Collection is a collection of ebooks and audiobooks in Languages Other Than English - LOTE.

The collection includes ebooks and eaudiobooks in 25 languages and various genres.

These can be read using a web browser, a tablet or a mobile device.

Activate with your library membership, library card number, PIN and email

Borrow free eBooks and eAudiobooks

Access cloudLibrary with your Library card number

Click here for CloudLibrary

Gale interactive

Gale Interactive Science

Gale Interactive Science provides a comprehensive view of the most-studied science subjects. Authoritative, high-quality digital content is paired with interactive 3D models with functionality including zooming in, rotating, or pulling them apart.

No username or password is required to access Gale Interactive Science

Click here for Gale Interactive: Science

LinkedIn learning


LinkedIn Learning provides comprehensive courses, created, and delivered by experts. You can access over 16,000 courses in areas such as business, technology, languages, music, art, photography and more.

Learn at your own pace, watch entire courses or individual videos, and upskill to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Courses can be bookmarked, tracked and when completed, you’ll receive a certificate.

Access Linkedin Learning with your library card number and PIN.

Click here to access LinkedIn Learning

LOTE 4 kids

LOTE 4 Kids

Offers a fun and interactive way for children to learn languages, with hundreds of stories, songs, games, and activities in over 70 languages including Auslan. The platform provides 4500+ digital books in over 70 languages, together with English translations.

Download the Android app from the Google Play Store or the iOS app from the Apple App Store.

You will need your library card number to access this site.

Click here to access LOTE Online for Kids

Pressreader logo


Pressreader covers over 6000 newspapers and magazines from all over the world. There are publications from over a hundred countries and in more than 60 languages. Among the newspapers there are international top titles, such as The Washington Post and Le Monde, other broadsheets and tabloids as well as national and local newspapers.

Access with a free SLQ membership.

Click here to access Pressreader

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