Local Laws

Council's local laws covering a broad range of issues

Council has in place a number of local laws which regulate a broad range of issues within our community.

 The Local Government Act 2009 establishes several types of local laws including:

  • local law - developed independently by an individual local government tailored to meet the specific needs of its community
  • interim local law - effective for up to six months to enable local governments to quickly adopt a local law to address a particular issue
  • subordinate local law - made under a head of power contained in a local law to provide for the detailed implementation of the broader principles contained in the local law
  • model local law - a local law approved by the Minister for Local Government as suitable for adoption by local governments, if required. 

SDRC Register of Local Laws (PDF 107.7KB)

Council's Local Laws can also be found on the State Local Law Database.

The following local laws and subordinate local laws for Southern downs Regional Council commenced on 1 January 2012:

Two local laws from the former Warwick Shire Council were applied to the whole Southern Downs Regional Council local government area. As a result, the following local laws and subordinate local laws for Southern Downs Regional Council commenced on 22 December 2011:

Local Laws Amendments

Local Laws Public Notices

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