Landing Page Planning and Development

Infrastructure Charges & Infrastructure Planning

Infrastructure Charges resolution and register

Infrastructure charges are charges levied by Council on development that increases the demand on Council’s trunk infrastructure networks. The trunk infrastructure networks maintained by Council include water, sewer, stormwater, transport and parks. The type, size and scale of infrastructure that is considered trunk infrastructure, are specified by Council’s Local Government Infrastructure Plan.

Infrastructure charges make a contribution towards the capital works of expanding, maintaining or replacing infrastructure based on the increased demand of development on Council’s trunk infrastructure networks.

Infrastructure charges are levied by attaching an Infrastructure Charges Notice to a Development Approval for a Material Change of Use (starting a new land use on a property or increasing the scale of an existing land use on a property) or Reconfiguring a Lot (increasing the number of lots).

Infrastructure charges detailed within an Infrastructure Charges Notice are calculated in accordance with the Infrastructure Charges Resolution in effect at the time the application is lodged with Council.

The applicant is required to pay the infrastructure charges detailed within the Infrastructure Charges Notice (attached to the Decision Notice) following a development approval, as follows:

  • infrastructure charges are required to be paid when the change of land use occurs on the property for a Material Change of Use; or
  • when a Plan of Survey is submitted to Council for endorsement, for a development approval for Reconfiguring a Lot.

Current Infrastructure Charges Resolution

Infrastructure charges are currently levied in accordance with the Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No. 4.2) 2023 which provides the framework of how infrastructure charges for development are calculated by Council. Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No. 4.2) 2023 applies to all development applications received on and after 28 June 2023.

Charges Resolution (No. 4.2) 2023 (PDF 170.1KB)

Past Infrastructure Charges Resolution

Charges Resolution (No. 4.1) 2023 (PDF 481KB)

Charges Resolution (No.4) 2023 (PDF 476.2KB)

Charges Resolution (No. 3.1) 2022 (PDF 476.3KB)

Infrastructure Charges Register

Council maintains an Infrastructure Charges Register in accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017 which provides a record of the infrastructure charges levied on development by Council.

The Infrastructure Charges Register is searchable, and the results of your search can be downloaded. Council updates the Infrastructure Charges Register on a monthly basis from January 2020.

Infrastructure Charges Register Pre July 2023 (PDF 441.5KB)

Infrastructure Charges Register 2023/2024 (PDF 180.5KB)

Infrastructure Charges Register 2024/2025 (PDF 155.2KB)


There should be no reliance placed on the accuracy or otherwise of this published Infrastructure Charges Register. The Infrastructure Charges Notice issued in relation to each development is binding in the case of any errors in the former.

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