Emergency Contacts

Important links and phone numbers for emergency contacts in the Southern Downs.

Emergency Contacts Contact Details
Life threatening emergencies 000 (Triple Zero)
SES assistance
132 500
Ergon - fallen powerlines 13 22 96
Police Link 131 444
Telecommunications Telstra: 132 203 / Optus: 133 937
SDRC Local Disaster Coordination Centre 1300 697 372 (only stood up in times of disaster)
Poisons helpline 131 126
13HEALTH 13 43 25 84
Road traffic and travel information 13 19 40 or visit qldtraffic.qld.gov.au
Lifeline 13 11 14
National Relay Service
13 36 77
RSPCA QLD 24/7 animal emergencies 1300 264 625
RSPCA QLD lost and found
1300 363 736
Biosecurity Queensland - for stranded livestock 13 25 23
Queensland Parks and Wildlife
137 468
Wildlife Disaster Rescue & Recovery  0402 307 099 - enquiries@wdrr.org.au


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