Southern Downs Waste and recycling facilities

Residential Waste & Recycling

Council responsibly manages and provides waste management and recycling services to meet the needs of our growing region.

A roadside waste and recycling collection service is provided to many households in the region.  Residents within Council’s Designated Waste Collection Area are required to have a general waste and recycling bin service.  Residents outside the Designated Waste Collection Area may apply to have a voluntary waste collection service. Cleanaway is Council’s waste collection contractor, who have dedicated, separate waste and recycling trucks. Residents receive:

  • a weekly general waste (red or green lid) bin collection service; and
  • a fortnightly recycling (yellow lid) bin collection service (on the same day as the general waste bin collection).

For all new dwellings/units, Council cannot commence a waste service until a final building/plumbing inspection has been carried out and a copy of the Form 21 or Compliance Certificate has been received by Council.  If you would like an additional general waste and/or recycling bin, please contact Council to find out more.   

Residents who do not receive a roadside waste and recycling collection service can access one of Council’s Waste Facilities.


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