Road Closures

Road Closures

Roads may be closed for community events or safety

Road Closures During a Disaster Event

Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily close some of our roads for road-user safety. We apologise for the inconvenience and hope to re-open these roads again once safe.

In the event of a natural disaster, please go to our Disaster Dashboard to find up-to-date road closure information.

Temporary Road Closures

Condamine River Road 

The Condamine River Road crosses the Condamine River 14 times. It is closed on a regular basis, so a specific temporary road closure procedure (PDF 1.4MB) has been developed.

For a Temporary Entertainment Event

Some events require a road to be closed on a temporary basis to allow for community events and activities.  Temporary closure of a road, lane or Council parking bay for an event must be requested as part of an application for a Temporary Entertainment Event permit.

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