If you have lost an animal, either a pet or livestock, please contact Council as soon as possible to be reunited. Council's Pound Facilities are located in Stanthorpe and Warwick. Council's Breeder Identification Number is BIN0000006741266 Impoundment Holding Periods Unregistered animals are held for a maximum period of three (3) days. Registered animals are held for a maximum period of five (5) days. Animals that are not released/collected within these timeframes may be disposed of by Council. Pound Release Fees Fees cover some of the costs associated with Council rescuing your animal and attempting to reunite you with your animal. Your animal must be microchipped, registered, and payment must be received by Council before it can be released. Adoption If you wish to enquire about adopting an animal, please call Council's Customer Service Centre on 1300 697 372. Please note that fees apply. Impounded Cats Impounded Dogs Photo Details Impoundment ID: ID-Mar-06-25 Animal Type: Chihuahua Description: Tan & white. Female Location Impounded: Warwick Pound Impoundment Date: 6/3/25 Location Found: Hendon Photo Details Impoundment ID: ID-Mar-05-25 Animal Type: Chihuahua Description: Tan. Male Location Impounded: Warwick Pound Impoundment Date: 11/3/25 Location Found: Hendon Impounded Other Animals Related Items