Regulated Parking landing page shows cars parked in Palmerin Street Warwick

Regulated Parking

Parking is regulated in the Warwick CBD only

no-parking-signWithin the Warwick CBD there are regulated parking areas indicated by official traffic signs.  Council’s Local Laws Officers patrol these regulated parking areas.  If you are parked contrary to an indication on an official traffic sign, you may be issued with an Infringement Notice (parking ticket).

Regulated Parking Areas in Warwick CBD

When parking in the following areas of the Warwick CBD, take note of the traffic sign indicating how long you are permitted to park in that area:

  • Palmerin Street -  both sides between Percy Street & Albert Street
  • Palmerin Street – Eastern side only between Albert & Victoria Street
  • King Street – both sides between Palmerin Street & Albion Street
  • Grafton Street – both sides between Guy Street & Albion Street
  • Fitzroy Street – both sides between Guy Street & Albion Street

Payment of Infringement Notices

If you received an Infringement Notice, you have 28 days from the date of the Notice to pay the amount incurred.  You can pay online or over the phone with a credit card, or in person at one of Council's offices.   Appeals against Parking Infringements and/or requests for waiving of the fines MUST be made in writing and referred to the Chief Executive Officer for consideration.

Unpaid or Overdue Parking Infringements

When payment is not received within 28 days, the infringement is sent to the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) for debt collection.  SPER is responsible for the collection and enforcement of unpaid infringement notice fines, court ordered monetary fines and Offender Recovery orders issued in Queensland.  When a fine is redirected to SPER, extra costs will be added and any payment will need to be made directly to SPER.  You can contact SPER on 1300 365 635, to organise a payment arrangement or to finalise a fine.


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