Planting for Biodiversity

Planting for Biodiversity

The Southern Downs Region contains a complex and diverse array of plant and animal species which contribute to the significant conservation values of the region. To encourage the adoption of local native plant species into our gardens and backyards, a user-friendly list has been developed to assist in your decision making of what might be possible to grow. Not only are you selecting plants for beauty but you will contribute towards the conservation of your local plant and wildlife species. Local native plants are the best choice for your garden if you are wanting to encourage native animals, birds, and insects into your backyard.

The Planting for Biodiversity Native Plant List (XLSX 125.4KB) is an online resource produced to encourage and assist householders, and landowners, to consider locally occurring and native species for garden planting projects in the Southern Downs. Plants have been chosen as they are naturally conditioned for the area. The table contains a number of categories to guide your plant selection and there are a number of tabs to choose from depending on where you are located in the landscape.

Each tab includes information to help with your plant selection. Details include growth form, plant name, preferred soil type, frost and drought tolerance, wildlife interest, flowering season and general notes of interest. For more information, please click here.

The vegetation zones are listed below and contain information on typical attributes and where it might apply in the region.


Another great tip is to look around your local area to see what is growing well. Take a walk or a drive around the neighbourhood and then jump online to identify species of interest. A great starting point is the Atlas of Living Australia. This is a free resource where individuals can upload and search biodiversity data for their local area. Visit the site at – you can explore your local environment by entering either your street address or your postcode.

Please click on the following links for additional information which might be of interest:

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