Minimise Waste - Take Action

Council’s strategic waste management and tips for minimising and reducing waste

The Southern Downs Regional Council Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan 2021-2024 (PDF 4MB) sets a clear path for the management of solid waste in the Southern Downs region towards 2024. Waste diversion, resource recovery and landfill security are the major themes and strategic objectives which lay the foundation for the actions articulated in the Waste Plan.

The Waste Hierarchy….Let’s Sort it Out!

Following the waste hierarchy is a fundamental step in decreasing waste production. It is important to deal with waste in the correct order of preference to ensure that every step is being taken to minimise waste and its effect on the environment.

Council supports an approach to resource recovery that aligns with the waste hierarchy, with the avoidance and reducing components addressed through our waste education actions. Reuse and recycling, with a focus on developing local re-use solutions, will support job creation in the region and extend the duration of the Warwick landfill.

How Can I Minimise Waste….Let’s Sort it Out!

We all have a responsibility to minimise the waste that we produce due to the ongoing long-term effects it has on our environment.  There are many ways we can minimise our waste - at home, shopping, at school and work to name a few:

How Can I Recycle….Let’s Sort it Out!

Many items can be recycled to prevent them from being disposed into landfill.  Below are some recycling programs you can participate in.

  • Use your yellow-lidded recycling bin to recycle many items generated within the household.
  • Pack your load for your visit to a Council waste facility so it is easy to separate items for recycling. The following waste types can be recycled at some or all of Council’s waste facilities: general recyclables, green waste, scrap metal, vehicle batteries, engine oil, tyres, electronic waste, drumMUSTER (empty and clean agvet chemical containers) and clean concrete.
  • Visit Cartridges 4 PlanetArk for the drop-off locations to recycle printer cartridges from participating manufacturers.
  • Visit MobileMuster for drop-off locations to recycle mobile phones.
  • Visit Eco Batt - Your Battery Recycler for information on recycling small batteries under 5kg. Never place any batteries in your kerbside general or recycle bins. All SDRC supervised waste facilities have clearly marked wheelie bins or white 10 litre buckets to accept small household batteries.
  • Visit Big Bag Recovery for information on recycling bags that carry bulk products like fertiliser, seeds, animal feeds, flour, salt, sugar, sand, gravel, mulch, cement and more. You can now recycle your 'big bags' at Council's supervised Transfer Stations providing they are on the list of approved bags accepted by Big Bag Recovery.

Organic Waste.…Let’s Sort it Out!

Approximately half of the waste going into the household waste stream each week is organic compostable waste (food waste and garden waste), making worm farming and composting an effective and beneficial method of reducing waste going into landfill.

Worm farming and composting are easy ways to create good garden soil and fertiliser, and can be used as tools for decreasing our waste.

Council offers free community composting workshops every year.  Keep an eye on What’s on in Waste and Recycling for dates and information of upcoming workshops.

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