Queensland Statewide Tenant Advice and Referral Service (QSTARS)
QSTARS service provides free, independent advice and referral options for anyone renting in Queensland.
Click here to visit the QSTARS website.
To talk to a Tenancy Advocate, call the QSTARS Helpline on 1300 744 263 and ask to speak to your local service (TASC)
Through QSTARS, TASC’s Tenancy Advocates help people solve issues including bond and lease disputes, eviction and termination of leases, understanding their rights and responsibilities, and talking to their landlord or agent about problems.
Click here to access the TASC website.
How do I access the service?
Call the QSTARS hotline on 1300 744 263 and ask to speak to your local service (TASC). TASC’s office number is 07 4616 9700.
When are appointments available?
Monday to Friday, 9am – 4.30pm.
What type of appointments are available?
One-on-one appointments are available by phone, video and in-person.
Who funds this service?
QSTARS is funded by the Queensland Department of Housing and Public Works and managed by Tenants Queensland.

Additional Support Information for Tenants
Information for Tenants affected by Floods and Storms in Queensland
Legal & Insurance Assistance