Help after a disaster landing page

I'm a parent/caregiver

Disaster recovery and support information for parents and caregivers

Recovery information for parents and caregivers

Parents and caregivers know their children better than anyone and are in a position to provide support before, during and after a disaster. However, parents may need help identifying trauma reactions in themselves and their children, and finding a balance between supporting children and caring for themselves.

What can you expect in the short term after a disaster or community trauma?

The majority of children will be fine. You can expect the majority of children to recover over time from some initial sadness, worry and distress. All children will need continued reassurance, stability and support from you and those around them.

Some children will need extra support. Some children will continue to experience difficulties that may not get better by themselves. These children will need continued reassurance, stability and support from you. They may also need extra help to learn ways to cope with more severe symptoms. Your GP is the best place to start to get advice on this.

All children need time, love, patience, care and stable routine in the months following a traumatic event.

Use these helpful links to learn more and find resources to help you and your children.

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