Southern Downs Forum
Being prepared and having a plan for disasters and emergencies is important for each of us individually, and as a community. We know this is especially important for people with disability and people with additional needs to minimise risks and save lives.
To do this we all have a role and a part to play - people with disability, community members, Government, Council, disability and community organisations and emergency services.
Come along to this two day community event to work together to build a more inclusive disaster resilient Southern Downs. This is the first in a series of three forums over two years. Together we will develop the inclusive strategies, actions and plans that will help us to act before, during and after a disaster to include people with disability and others in our community.
Who should come?
People with disability and supporters, disability and community services, emergency services, local government and interested community members.
Date: 15 & 16 September 2022
Time: 9.30am to 2.30pm
Where: Churches of Christ, 223 Dragon Street, Warwick
Register here: www.bit.ly/southerndownsevent
For more information contact QDN on 1300 363 783 or email didrr@qdn.org.au
Learn more about the BIDRC Project here