Council pays bounties for wild dogs trapped or shot within the SDRC area to supplement its 1080 baiting programs. $100 is paid for adult dogs and $50 for pups.
To find out more information on bounties and how to claim them, please refer to Council's Wild Dog Bounty Payment Policy (PDF 436.1KB)
You can also download the bounty claim form (PDF 399.8KB).
A list of persons authorised to verify claims and payments can be found here (PDF 143.5KB).
Council maintains 100 kilometres of wild dog check fences – a 93 kilometre check fence that protects the wool growing traprock region in the Stanthorpe district and a seven kilometre check fence near Killarney.

Wild Dog Check Fence
Council undertakes inspections of private property to ensure landholders are meeting their general biosecurity obligation under the Biosecurity Act to manage the biosecurity risk posed by pest animals on land under their control.
Council has a Pest Management Advisory Committee in place, made up of representatives from Council, Main Roads, National Parks, AgForce Qld, Landcare, Darling Downs Moreton Rabbit Board, Biosecurity Queensland, Southern Queensland Landscapes, Granite Belt Growers Group and a member of the community. The group meets quarterly to discuss pest (weeds and pest animals) management issues and makes recommendations directly to Council. The Pest Management Advisory Committee is also responsible for oversight of the implementation of Council’s Invasive Pests Strategic Plan (PDF 4.9MB).
Council participates in the Southern Downs Region Wild Dog Management Advisory Committee. This Committee meets quarterly, is comprised of landholders, industry and community groups and National Parks and Wildlife Service and Partnerships and makes recommendations to Council’s Pest Management Advisory Committee.