Landing Page_Animal Management_All sections_Edited

Nuisances & Complaints

How to lodge a complaint or report nuisances regarding dogs

Complaints for nuisances can include:

Council advocates for neighbours to talk with each other where an animal is causing a nuisance.  We do understand that this may be difficult, but be mindful that neighbours may be unaware their animal is causing a nuisance and are often offended when the first approach is from a council officer.  Before making a complaint to Council you should consider:

  • Can I talk to my neighbour about the nuisance?
  • Can I write them a note about the nuisance?
  • Is anything that I am doing triggering the animal to cause the nuisance (ie a cat walking on the fence making a neighbours dog bark) and can I modify the surroundings to prevent the nuisance?
  • If you have taken steps to resolve the problem and have been unsuccessful, Council may become involved.

When Should Dogs be on a Leash?

Dogs must be on a leash at all times when being walked in public.  It is an offence for a dog to be in public and not be on a leash as per Subordinate Local Law No.2 (Animal Management) 2011 (PDF 7.6MB).

Dead Animals

You can report to Council dead animals (carcasses) found on Council land such as roads, parks and roadsides via phone, in person or by lodging an online request.

Once Council has received a request, it will organise the removal of the animal.

Council cannot remove carcasses found on private properties. These can be disposed of at either the Warwick Waste Management Facility or the Stanthorpe Waste Management Facility.

Making a Complaint

You can make a complaint by contacting Council or lodging a request online. If your request is urgent or after business hours, please call Council directly.  All animal complaints require that you provide the following information:

  • Your name and contact details
  • The type of complaints (barking dogs, dog attack, wandering animal etc.)
  • Date and time of the incident
  • Location of the incident
  • Type of animal(s)
  • Further information may be required depending on the type of complaint
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