New RADF guidelines will improve access to funding

20 Sep 2024 |
20 September 2024

At its Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 18 September 2024, Southern Downs Regional Council resolved to make minor amendments to the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) guidelines for the 2024/25 financial year. These changes will increase funding opportunities for community groups dedicated to arts and culture.

Southern Downs portfolio Councillor for Inspired Communities, Morwenna Harslett, highlighted the importance of arts and culture for the region's vibrancy and liveability.

“Arts and culture contribute greatly to the vibrancy and liveability of the Southern Downs,” Councillor Harslett said.

The region is well-renowned for its thriving and diverse arts scene, and our reputation as a creative hub makes the Southern Downs a much sought-after destination within creative circles,” Councillor Harslett said.

With the amendments to the guidelines, Council has reduced the funding cap to $10,000, reflecting the maximum cap that was in place before May 2023. This change will enable even more community groups to access funding and establish vibrant arts and culture projects.

"The other minor amendment will streamline the application process, shaving two weeks off the time to get a response," Councillor Harslett added.

"This is a great outcome for our community and those in the arts and culture space."

Once the program opens, Council invites applications that align with its priorities for the 2024/25 program, which were developed in line with the Arts Queensland RADF Guidelines. These priorities include:
• Arts and cultural tourism (e.g. festivals and events);
• Heritage and collections of the region (e.g. museums, galleries, libraries and heritage trails);
• Projects targeting underrepresented demographics (e.g. participants and segments of the community who have not historically participated in RADF-funded programs);
• Arts and creative activities that support the wellbeing of participants, strengthen social connections and build community resilience; and
• Employment opportunities for local artists and arts workers.
When the program opens, applications and the current guidelines will be available on Council’s website. Community groups with further questions are encouraged to contact Council.

Last edited date 20 Sep 2024