New Council Meetings Policy reflects best practice

22 Jul 2024 |
22 July 2024

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday 17 July 2024, a new Council Meetings Policy was adopted based on the Queensland Government’s “best practice example Standing Orders for local government and standing committee meetings”.

Clause 3.2 of Southern Downs Regional Council’s Council Meetings Policy for Standing Orders allows for flexibility in the Order of Business, and Wednesday’s adoption of the new policy follows a review and recommendation by Council staff.

In adopting the policy, Councillors debated whether to change the Order of Business to include prayers and condolences or to hold these immediately preceding the official start of the meeting.

During the discussion, no Councillor advocated for the complete removal of prayers and condolences. Instead, the majority of Councillors decided to include these elements in the Order of Business following a close vote.

Mayor Melissa Hamilton said the debate was respectful, and reflected the diversity of our community.

“It was a close vote, but the majority of Councillors voted 5 votes to 4 to include prayers and condolences in the Order of Business,” Mayor Hamilton said.

“I commend my fellow Councillors for showing how we can have discussions around important issues such as this in a respectful way.”

Last edited date 22 Jul 2024