Building Community Trust takes centre stage in Canberra

12 Jul 2024 |
12 July 2024

Building Community Trust was high on the agenda at the Australian Local Government Association’s (ALGA) 2024 National General Assembly, held in Canberra from 2-4 July. Southern Downs Councillors Carla Pidgeon and Joel Richters attended to shine an advocacy spotlight on the needs of the Southern Downs.

The theme of the 2024 National General Assembly was Building Community Trust, acknowledging the critical importance of trust between our democracy's different levels of government, institutions and citizens.

Councillor Pidgeon said it was very beneficial to hear from a range of high-profile and engaging speakers who presented ideas about what creates trust and how to nurture it.

“The conference program featured leading experts in governance and community engagement, offering insights into fostering trust within our communities,” Councillor Pidgeon said.

Councillor Richters welcomed the opportunity to meet council colleagues and key national policymakers from across the nation.

“The conference content was thought provoking and has given me new initiatives to pursue locally,” Councillor Richters said.

“Being in Canberra allowed us to speak directly to our country’s leaders about the things we need most, ensuring our voices are heard at the highest levels.”

Mayor Melissa Hamilton emphasised the strategic importance of participating in the ALGA event.

“We as Councillors had to consider whether it was worthwhile for Council to be represented at the ALGA,” Mayor Hamilton said.

“We identified clear areas where advocacy to the Federal Government and Ministers would significantly benefit our region, primarily regarding agriculture, water and housing.

"In particular, the involvement of the Department of Agriculture will be key as we seek to attract new investment in agricultural processing to the region.

“I have been clear that putting downward pressure on rates will require new industry and business choosing our region, and we will push hard for those opportunities over the term of this Council.”

Council is committed to proactive leadership and continuous improvement. The insights gained from the 2024 National General Assembly will undoubtedly contribute to Council’s ongoing efforts to serve the community effectively and sustainably.

Last edited date 12 Jul 2024