2024/25 Budget goes back to basics with a more equitable rating system

24 Jul 2024 |

24 July 2024

Southern Downs Regional Council has adopted its 2024/25 Budget (PDF 390.9KB) with a back to basics approach focusing on the cost-effective delivery of Council’s core services.

With cost of living pressures front of mind, Council concentrated its budget on keeping rates as low as possible while introducing a fairer and more equitable rating system.

Key highlights of the 2024/25 Budget:
• Community Support: $1.4 million
• Operational Expenditure: $99.9 million
• Capital Expenditure: $48.7 million
In handing down the first budget of the new Council term, Mayor Melissa Hamilton confirmed Council’s commitment to prioritising responsible financial management while endeavouring to keep rates as low as possible.

“There will be no increase in the base residential general minimum rate,” Mayor Hamilton said.

“Following submissions and given the cost of living issues being faced by many residents, we made changes to the Draft Budget to ensure that the maximum increase in residential general rates is 5%, with a third of ratepayers having no increase this year.

“Cost increases are being felt right across the community, and Council is no exception.

“The increased cost to Council of delivering services is estimated at 3.9% this year, and the CPI increase is 3.4%.

“Against this financial backdrop, we’ve worked hard to keep the average overall increase in general rates to 2.4% while ensuring that Council remains financially sustainable.

“The planning for the next budget starts today.

“Next year we want greater involvement and participation from the community in the budget process to tell us what are the most important and the highest priority issues for the region to address.

Rate Restructure: The rate restructure is designed to provide a fairer and more equitable distribution of the rate burden across the community.

Community Support: A significant allocation of $1.4 million has been dedicated to community grants, supporting local groups, projects and initiatives that are a vital part of the Southern Downs community.

Operational and Capital Expenditure: With an operational expenditure of $99.9 million, Council will focus on the cost-effective delivery of essential services, maintaining public amenities and supporting community wellbeing. The capital expenditure of $48.7 million will be invested in key infrastructure projects including roads, parks, and recreational facilities, ensuring the region’s long-term sustainability and growth.

Water security and infrastructure upgrades remain a key focus in the budget. $17.7 million has been allocated towards the continued rollout of the smart water meter project, the Drought Resilience Program, Stanthorpe Sewerage Pump Station upgrades and Morgan Park’s Pump Station and Rising Main.

Council has to plan ahead, with a provision for a new $6.1 million landfill cell for Warwick.

With a vast 3000km road network, road infrastructure continues to be one of the largest expenses in Council’s budget. This year Council has budgeted $12.4 million for continued improvements and rehabilitation works.

Council remains committed to the Warwick Saleyards redevelopment which supports the region’s biggest industry. $1.3 million has been allocated to improve the facility’s workplace health and safety standards, animal welfare standards and to complete Stage 3 and 4.

“The 2024/25 Budget represents a balanced approach to managing our region’s finances. We want to build a resilient and vibrant Southern Downs for all residents, within our means,” Mayor Hamilton said.

During public consultation on the 2024/25 Draft Budget, Council received 27 submissions, and Mayor Hamilton said the submissions played a key role in Council’s deliberations in finalising the budget.

“We read every submission and listened to the feedback. There were a number of key amendments made to the final budget as a result of the submissions,” she said.

“On behalf of my fellow Councillors, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to review the draft budget and submit their feedback to Council.”

The 2024/25 Budget is available online at https://www.sdrc.qld.gov.au/council/publications/finance-publications and hard copies are available at Council’s Administration Buildings and Libraries.

The 2024/25 General Rates Fact Sheet and Explanatory Notes can be downloaded from Council's website here (PDF 5.5MB).

Last edited date 06 Aug 2024