19 February 2024
Southern Downs Regional Council is hosting a free Community Action Forum to help build a more inclusive and disaster resilient region for everyone.
Funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources through the Building Inclusive Disaster Resilient Communities program, the forum seeks input from people with disability, disability services, community organisations, community members, all government agencies and emergency services.
Council’s Community Recovery and Resilience Officer James Wong said people with disability often face unique challenges during disasters, but being prepared and having a plan enhances safety and resilience.
“While being prepared and having a plan is crucial for everyone, people with disability face greater risks to their safety and wellbeing in disasters due to physical, sensory, cognitive and other issues that may affect their ability to evacuate, communicate or access essential services,” Mr Wong said.
“Preparedness empowers individuals with disability to take control of their own safety and wellbeing, and by having a plan in place and knowing how to respond in emergencies, they can maintain a greater sense of independence and autonomy.
“The forum’s focus is to prioritise inclusivity and resilience in disaster planning and response efforts, in order to better protect the safety and wellbeing of all residents and frontline response teams, including those with disability.”
Council invites the community to attend the forum and contribute to the development of inclusive strategies and actions that help residents act before, during and after a disaster, and ensure the inclusion of people with disability.
Date: Tuesday 27 February 2024
Time: 9:30am – 3pm
Where: Churches of Christ Auditorium, 223 Dragon Street, Warwick
This event is inclusive and accessible.
For more details and to register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/community-action-forum-southern-downs-tickets-733259668407
Building Inclusive Disaster Resilient Communities (BIDRC) is a project in partnership between Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), the Centre for Disability Research and Policy at the University of Sydney, Community Services Industry Alliance, and communities in five Local Government Areas across Queensland.
Learn more about QDN and the BIDRC program at https://qdn.org.au/our-work/disability-inclusive-disaster-risk-reduction/building-inclusive-disaster-resilient-communities/
Call QDN on 1300 363 783 for more information or email at didrr@qdn.org.au.
This project is funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.
For all the latest Council news and information, download the ‘My SDRC’ App or visit www.sdrc.qld.gov.au. Alternatively, call 1300 MY SDRC (1300 697 372) or email mail@sdrc.qld.gov.au.

Last edited date 19 Feb 2024