3 April 2023
In response to community concerns about pedestrian safety, Southern Downs Regional Council has secured $1.33m additional funding to improve busy Warwick CBD pedestrian crossings.
This additional funding was obtained under the Australian Government’s Black Spot program and it will be administered by the Queensland Government’s Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Council is currently progressing the details required to enable the commencement of works that will provide a consistent approach to the CBD road environment by improving safety for all road users at roundabouts and intersections.
Director Infrastructure Services Gary Murphy said that now the financial shortfall to fund the project had been filled, designs and approvals can move forward with certainty.
“Council’s comprehensive roads maintenance program is a significant body of work that needs to accommodate the repair, maintenance and review of the region’s 3,000 km long road network as well as 56 bridges, amongst other road assets,” Mr Murphy said.
“With important funding now secured for the Warwick CBD Black Spot project, without additional expense to the ratepayer, Council can now progress and finalise design work before construction can begin.
”A CBD project of this nature is contingent on lead times associated with Ergon lighting designs and approval as well as Council resources to accommodate the project in the works schedule of planning and construction.
“Encouragingly, designs and approvals are already in train and Council anticipates that we will start to see some initial works as early as this calendar year, weather permitting.
“We look forward to the works on this important community road safety project starting as soon as possible.”
Progress on works:
• Designs for all the roundabouts and crossings are progressing and anticipated to be completed by mid 2023. Designs are being undertaken utilising a combination of internal and external resources.
• Comprehensive street lighting designs will be submitted to Ergon for approval on completion of designs.
• Construction and delivery methodology shall be reviewed on completion of designs and external approval processes to ensure minimal impact to residents, businesses, road users and pedestrians. It is likely that all works shall be constructed outside of daylight hours to minimise disruption.
A detailed construction plan shall be prepared for the delivery of the crossings and delivery dates will be confirmed in due course but it is anticipated the works will be completed prior to the end of June 2024.
Previous Black Spot projects have included safety works such as improving sight distances, improving curves and removing road side hazards.
Last edited date 03 Apr 2023