15 July 2022
When the mercury drops across the region, it’s a good indication that the Jumpers and Jazz in July Festival is just around the corner and the Palmerin Street trees will soon be adorned with colourful woolly creations.
Following the removal of four trees in front of the Criterion Hotel last year due to safety concerns, plans to have new trees in planter boxes installed in time for the festival have been delayed by supply chain issues.
Southern Downs Regional Council acknowledges that the show must go on and has been working closely with event organisers in the lead up to ensure the vacated streetscape still reflects the yarnbombing festivities and is JJJ ready.
Council’s Director Infrastructure Services Gary Murphy said a number of options were being considered.
“We have put on the proverbial creative hat and are reviewing several feasible but unique options to ensure that vacated section of street still maintains the integrity and vibe of this iconic winter festival,” Mr Murphy said.
“The JJJ Committee has been very supportive and engaged in discussions for an appropriate solution and we thank them for their understanding of the challenging situation.
“It was always our intention to have the new trees and planter boxes installed prior to the festival however supply chain issues regrettably derailed the plan.
“This is the ongoing reality of supply chain delays and securing suppliers and trades for the work we deliver to the community.
“We are satisfied that our team has done everything to balance priorities and attempt to get this project over the line prior to JJJ.
“We would like to assure the community that we will find an alternative and temporary solution that is true to the character of the festival and we will keep stakeholders updated as we progress the interim plan.”
Mr Murphy also confirmed that the four Claret Ash trees were removed in September 2021 due to safety concerns associated with a history of horticultural disease and root damage to the footpath and street.
The proposed trees and planter boxes align with urban design trends emerging in other local government areas and will reflect the Warwick CBD’s country character and charm.
Last edited date 15 Jul 2022