Is your water meter accessible?
Half-yearly water meter readings commence across the region from Monday 22 August 2022. Council’s water meter readers will be easily identifiable in SDRC-branded uniforms and it would be appreciated if the community would ensure meters are clear of debris and safe to access.
A Council spokesperson said a quick review and tidy up around the water meter area would ensure minimal disruption to gardens and residents’ daily routines.
“Council asks that residents keep water meters accessible and clear of garden debris, grass, mulch, building materials, vehicles and other objects,” the spokesperson said.
“We all love our pets, but during meter reading time, Council requests that unrestrained dogs be controlled or restrained behind closed gates – this will keep everyone safe.”
If gates are locked or an animal prevents Council staff from accessing meters, a calling card will be left in the letter box asking residents to call 1300 697372 to arrange access.
As undetected water leaks can unintentionally increase metered water consumption and be costly, Council also recommends residents regularly read property water meters at a similar time each week to track water usage and identify fluctuations.
Council thanks the community for their cooperation and compliance in keeping meters clear and accessible.
Water Consumption Notices for this half-year period will be issued in October 2022. Anyone experiencing issues with payments should contact Council to arrange a confidential payment agreement.
Download the October 2022 Water Consumption Notices FAQ and Info (PDF 655KB)

Last edited date 18 Aug 2022