Landmark art gallery and library expansion gets green light
The community has been heard and the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery and Library expansion project has received Southern Downs Regional Council’s endorsement to proceed following a review of the construction tender submission.
Initially Council had assigned a budget of $4m to the upgrade with the assistance of a $2m grant from the Federal Government Building Better Regions Fund, however the unforeseen rise in building costs and industry-wide labour shortages impacted by COVID-19 prompted Council to consider alternative options, including scaling back or cancelling the expansion.
While subsequent negotiations with the tenderer resulted in a substantially reduced submission price, Council needed to vote on whether to absorb the shortfall.
Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi endorsed the project and said that although a number of factors had since come into play, the expansion would enhance the liveability of Stanthorpe and contribute greatly to the literary, arts and cultural scene on the Southern Downs.
“The project has been bubbling away for many years and the community has always strongly supported the expansion of both the library and gallery at the existing site in Weeroona Park.
“Not only will this expansion further enhance the library services on offer to our community, but providing the library’s $1m collection of books a better home and providing the art gallery’s circa $2.5m art collection with a storage solution that minimises the risk of fire damage, is a significant improvement to protecting our history and our assets,” Mayor Pennisi said.
“Stanthorpe is a thriving creative hub and expanding the gallery and library precinct will contribute to greater liveability of the Southern Downs as a whole.
“The precinct will be a destination for residents and visitors alike and will create a great opportunity for fieldtrips or a day out with the family.
“On giving the green light to the project, Council seriously considered the implications, one of which is the potential fall-out of handing back the Federal grant money and how this would impact not only the community, but also future funding applications and Council’s reputation.
“Grant funding operates in a very specific way and the option of redirecting the funding into other projects was not an option either.
“The impacts of COVID-19 on the building industry do not discriminate and when we initially embarked on this project, we could not have foreseen or predicated the pressures we are now asked to resolve.
“I’m proud that this Council has had the courage to commit to moving forward on this landmark enhancement for our region and I can assure the community that Council will continue to negotiate with the tenderer to ensure Southern Downs gets the best value we can possibly achieve.”
- For our Stanthorpe Library community this means that things are moving a little faster than anticipated and that the library will be closing to patrons as of 12 August 2022 to accommodate the relocation of all collections.
- A library service point will be opening at the Stanthorpe Administration building (Customer Service area) from 10.00am Monday 29 August.
- Library returns can still be made at the library until Sunday 28 August after which the returns chute at the Stanthorpe Administration building will be unlocked and available for use.
- The friendly library team will be available at the temporary location and they look forward to serving the community from there whilst the redevelopment is in progress.
- Keep an eye on the Library’s online catalogue and website, and Council’s Facebook page, for updates.
Council apologises for the inconvenience caused during the transition, but look forward to delivering a new library for the community.

Library Officers Catherine Oag and Andrea Ryan preparing the Stanthorpe Library for the big move.
Last edited date 16 Aug 2022