Landing Page Mosquitoes and Vermin

Mosquitoes, Vermin & Insects

Managing & avoiding nuisance insects and vermin

Some types of animals can be harmful to human health or contribute to disease in humans, and in certain situations can cause a public health risk. Council has some jurisdiction to act on certain public health risks associated with designated pests under the Public Health Act 2005 (the Act), and also shares some responsibility of public health risks with other Government bodies.  

Rats, mice and mosquitoes are all designated pests under the Act, and in certain situations are, or are likely to be hazardous to human health, or contribute to, or are likely to contribute to disease in humans or the transmission of an infectious condition to humans.

Council can investigate complaints made about pest harborage, or possible pest harbourage scenario, as well as complaints regarding breeding areas or areas liekly to be come a breed ground for such pests. 

Your neighbour may not be aware they are causing a nuisance. The best way to resolve such issue with a neighbour is to approach them with your concerns and try and work together to resolve the problem. If this doesn’t work after a period of time, you can raise the issue with Council or the appropriate authority.

Last edited date 23 Jun 2022


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