Using Council Land

Commerical use of Council road reserves and footpaths

The commercial use of road reserves (i.e. roads and footpaths) within the Southern Downs region is governed by a number of Local Laws:

Subject to a permit being issued by Council under Local Law No. 1, the use of roads and footpaths can be requested for consideration for the following:

  • Fundraiser (e.g. cake stall, sausage sizzle, car wash)
  • Display or Information Booth
  • Display of Goods for Sale
  • Footpath Dining
  • Mobile Roadside Vending
  • Stationary Roadside Vending 
  • Musical or Theatrical Performance (e.g. busking)
  • Advertising Devices

Applying for a Permit

Complete the applicable application form for the type of permit you are requesting (listed below), and submit back to Council at least 30 days prior to when you intend to start the use. Details of your public liability insurance (a minimum cover of $20 million is required), and payment of the applicable fee is also required before your application can be assessed. 

Please note: If your application has not been completed in full, is missing required supporting information or is not paid for, assessment of your application may be delayed until the information is provided, or your application could be refused.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Doing Business