An Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) is an activity identified under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019, that requires approval to operate due to its potential to damage or pollute the environment.
Examples include:
- mining
- cattle grazing
- chemical manufacturing
- sewage treatment
- cement manufacturing
- poultry farming
A full list of prescribed, resource and agricultural ERAs can be found in Schedule 2 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019.
Within the Southern Downs local government area, all ERA's are regulated by the Department of Environment and Science (DES) or another state government agency. The Queensland Government "Forms & Fee Finder: environmental authorities" webpage will direct you to the correct agency for the activity you are proposing. Council's Environmental Health Officers can also be contacted to assist.
If you intend to conduct an ERA, you must apply for an Environmental Authority (EA) with the relevant government agency - this EA licenses you to operate the ERA.
In some circumstances, the proposed ERA may require a development approval with Council in addition to an EA. Contact Council's Planning team to determine what may be required prior to conducting the activity.