21 September 2021
Southern Downs events scene benefits from bespoke strategy
A comprehensive draft events strategy for the Southern Downs aims to stimulate a surging industry over the next five years.
Council has partnered with professional contractor Krista Hauritz Marketing and key stakeholders in the events industry to develop a pivotal strategy that prioritises the future of events across the region.
On the back of strong growth in the events and tourism sector in South East Queensland following ongoing COVID-19 lockdowns, the strategy seeks to assist and future-proof existing events, attract a diverse range of events to the region and develop new events to drive tourism and boost economic outcomes for local businesses.
President of the Historic Leyburn Sprints Committee Tricia Chant said Council’s events strategy provides the prime opportunity for the community and Council to work collaboratively to ensure maximum benefit for events in the region.
“This strategy has identified key areas of growth, opportunities and sustainability into the future,” she said.
“It is the combination of amplifying our destination profile along with building resource capability and enhancing vital event infrastructure requirements that often get overlooked when planning an event. Strategic planning and return on investment are paramount to event outcomes.”
Southern Downs Councillor Marco Gliori said the events strategy is a big win for the region and would build on the region’s tourism offering.
“The Southern Downs region is home to many number of iconic events and the strategy offers a plan to increase visitation to the Southern Downs and Granite Belt,” Councillor Gliori said.
“It’s an exciting time for our tourism industry and now is the time for the community to help shape the draft events strategy.”
The community are invited to submit feedback at General Publications - Southern Downs Regional Council (sdrc.qld.gov.au) by Thursday 30 September 2021.
This project received grant funding from the Australia Government in Round 4 of the Building Better Regions Fund.