25 March 2021
Draft plan now ready for community feedback

The Southern Downs community is invited to review and comment on Council’s draft Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan 2021-2024 (WRRP) between Thursday 25 March and 5:00pm Tuesday 27 April 2021.
The current plan was developed and approved in 2018, but taking into consideration advancements in waste management and changes in patronage of facilities around the region, Council resolved at the end of 2020 to undertake a review of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan with the new plan to commence from 1 July 2021.
At Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 24 March 2021, it was proposed that the draft WRRP would replace the existing document to provide strategic direction to waste management and resource recovery opportunities. Whilst the draft plan is proposed for a three year period, it frames the future direction for waste management and resource recovery beyond this timeframe.
Council’s Director of Sustainable Development Jane Stroud said it was important for ratepayers to provide comment on a document that guided the services they paid for.
“The appointment of the Endeavour Foundation to provide supervision and maintenance services to all supervised waste facilities from 1 July 2021 was one of the catalysts to undertake the current review of the existing plan,” Ms Stroud said.
“Additionally the operational and compliance costs for maintaining our waste facilities, changes to waste levy, lifespan of existing asset base, alongside finite human and financial resources, also drove the need for strategic review.
“Council is mindful of providing an effective and cost efficient service to ratepayers in proposing sensible amendments to current operational hours.”
A review of the existing plan has now been completed and a draft has been developed for the community to review and comment on.
Some of the key strategic actions that are proposed in the draft WRRP include a review of waste streams including usage of landfill sites at Warwick, Stanthorpe and Yangan, the operation of a long haul waste transfer facility at Stanthorpe, a review of all bin compounds and a reduction in operational hours at all supervised waste facilities from 1 July 2021.
The expansion of the compulsory domestic waste collection service is also under review and Council will consider the financial sustainability of the waste business and adopt a price path to align with full cost pricing principles.
“Council aims to foster regional collaboration opportunities as it continues to investigate long term management of waste disposal options beyond 10 years,” she said.
Following community consultation and the revision of the feedback received, Council will move to formally adopt the Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan (with or without amendments).
Residents are invited to view a copy of the draft WRRP, general information sheet and frequently asked questions on Council’s website under the Living Here\Have your say section before submitting their feedback.
- Submissions must include the submitter’s full name and address and at least one verifiable way of contact (email, postal address or phone number).
- Submissions can be made in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Southern Downs Regional Council, PO Box 26, Warwick, Qld, 4370 or by email to mail@sdrc.qld.gov.au with the subject: WRRP Submission.
- A helpful submissions template can be downloaded from Council’s website or collected from one of Council’s Customer Service Centres. Submissions can be made:
- Submissions need to be received by Council by 5:00pm Tuesday 27 April 2021