Community survey to drive Council’s strategic focus on economic development

Community survey to drive Council’s strategic focus on economic development

21 July 2021

The future of economic development across the Southern Downs is being pulled into focus with the drafting of a new five-year Economic Development Strategy for the region.

As always, community consultation will form an important component in the development of the strategy and business and industry leaders are invited to have their say via a community survey, linked below.

Southern Downs Regional Council has always placed a high value on the input of businesses and industry in the region and this survey is a golden opportunity for the local business community to give insight and input as well as their thoughts on the potential direction of economic development across the region.

The survey has been designed to enable business and industry to contribute to the vision of the strategy and will assist in selecting key themes that will drive the Southern Downs economy over the next five years.

The Economic Development Strategy survey will take less than five minutes to complete and participation in this study is completely voluntary and confidential.

This survey will capture information regarding:

• Strengths and constraints for the region.

• Opportunities for business and investment attraction.

• Perceived liveability of the region.

• Ideal vision for the region.

• Other areas in Australia which local community members have visited which they would like to replicate in their own region.

Participants may opt out at any time by exiting the survey, however Council is urging as many people as possible to complete the survey.

The survey closes on Wednesday 4 August 2021.

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