Wild Dog Baiting

Wild Dog Baiting

19 May 2020

Southern Downs Regional Council will continue with the May 2020 round of Coordinated Wild Dog, Fox, and Feral Pig Baiting Program. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions the program will be by appointment only. Baiting appointments are open from 20 May to 22 May.

The baiting service will not be available at regular baiting stations during this round of coordinated baiting. Property owners are asked to bring fresh meat baits to their appointments at either of the following locations:

·        Animal Pound, Wentworth Street, Warwick

·        Animal Pound, McKenzie Street, Stanthorpe

All regular requirements should be undertaken prior to baiting, such as 72 hour advance neighbour notifications and the presentation of property ownership information (i.e. rates notice) and/or authority to sign. Residents are also asked to continue practicing social distancing. Council officers will inject the fresh meat baits with 1080 solution and bag. You will be required to sign a Deed poll adhering to the conditions of use for 1080.

Additionally, residents are reminded that SDRC also offers an adhoc baiting service. Landholders experiencing issues with foxes, wild dogs and/or feral pigs can have meat treated at any time outside of the coordinated baiting times by appointment. It must be noted however, that as always, the most effective control of these invasive pests is achieved through coordinated 1080 baiting.

To make a booking, please call 1300 697 372.

More information on the May 2020 round of Coordinated Wild Dog, Fox, and Feral Pig Baiting Program can be found on Council’s website or Facebook page.

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